Seminars and Workshops


A career counselling session was organised for the students of class 12 with an intent to update them on the forthcoming job trends. The key note speakers were the expert professional Mr Rajul Pratap Singh and Dr Arijit. The children were acquainted with jobs like Memory Management, Robotic Agriculture, Medical Technology etc that are going to be in vogue in times to come. The speakers urged upon the students to work on their basic skills like patience and perseverance to cope with the changing trends. The school principal extended his heartfelt thanks to the speakers for the informative session.

Awareness Programme (Health Talk)

Much like charity begins at home, sanitation and hygiene starts with you

Dr Amita Jain – Consultant – UroGyane from Medanta the Medicity graced the school to talk to the girl students from classes IX-XII. It was a Scientific Session cum Health Talk on the topic – Local Hygiene- Public Toilet When to Use.

The session started with a formal welcome of the Guest Speaker Dr Amita Jain by the School Principal Mr A K Dubey who told that Dr Jain is Senior Consultant Urogynaecologist at Institute of Urology & Robotic Surgery, Medanta – the Medicity Hospital, Gurugram, Haryana. She was accompanied by Animesh Kumar, Deputy Manager, Medanta. He talked about the session, its need regarding health hygiene and public toilets. Dr Jain emphasised upon the proper functioning of the urinary bladder failing which one’s self esteem and mental health both suffer. She sensitised the students on the amount of water to be drunk, number of times one should urinate in a day and food habits to be adopted. She also made the students aware about the use of western toilets and how to maintain cleanliness of the local body parts.

She addressed the queries of the students in an interactive session that followed. The students were very appreciative of Dr Jain and the information she disseminated.                      


DATE                    :      September 28 & 29

VENUE                  :      Dewan Public School, Meerut


ATTENDED BY       :      40+ faculties from and around Meerut

Teacher is a lifelong learner. The teaching fraternity has to keep abreast with ever changing technology. Keeping this in view, CBSE conducted a workshop on Capacity Building programme on Career Guidance in the school. The interactive session was conducted by Ms Pooja Sharma, a veteran in this domain. The session commenced with a floral welcome of the resource person by the school Principal Mr A.K.Dubey. He welcomed all the guests and participants and emphasised upon the need and importance of such Career Guidance Programmes. He also said that the youth is full of talent and added that if the talent is harnessed properly, it will not be lost in oblivion. Thereafter, the teachers got engaged in a lively group discussion and sought answers to their queries. Some informative slides and videos were also shown to the teachers.

Participants were told about the importance of career guidance in an arena of choices. Resource person expressed that the role of a teacher is crucial in Career Guidance. A student can make right career choice if teachers integrate career information with subjects. Stress was laid on providing children, opportunities to explore their interests, hobbies, skills and to develop their personalities. The workshop ended with a note that a systematic and planned set of activities at secondary and senior secondary level can help children to make informed future choice.

The workshop culminated with a Vote of Thanks by the School Director Sh. H.M.Rout.